jeudi 21 avril 2016

RIP Prince

Empty Room

Today, the world lost a creative icon. Michelle and I join millions of fans from around the world in mourning the sudden death of Prince. Few artists have influenced the sound and trajectory of popular music more distinctly, or touched quite so many people with their talent. As one of the most gifted and prolific musicians of our time, Prince did it all. Funk. R&B. Rock and roll. He was a virtuoso instrumentalist, a brilliant bandleader, and an electrifying performer.
“A strong spirit transcends rules,” Prince once said -- and nobody's spirit was stronger, bolder, or more creative. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family, his band, and all who loved him. - President Obama.

at First Avenue...

6 commentaires:

  1. Comme vous tous, je suis consterné, effondré, comment est-ce possible ?

    Adieu au plus grand de tous les plus grands.

    Il restera vivant à tout jamais dans nos cœurs et dans nos vies grâce à des blogs comme purplesanctuary.


  2. Je suis dévasté aussi !!!

    Des milliards de pensées à lui et évidemment à tous les fans !!

  3. C'est pas possible...
    Quelle tristesse!

  4. ,,Gonne to soon'' > ,,Empty Room'' but > ,,God is alive'' (God is God of living people, ,,realize it!'', may we see the dawn, with living Prince? it had to happen some day,we knew it, and God choosed the best time - i wish God would change his mind but what if proper ,,time'' is now? Absolutely fell to piecies as human as Prince concerts folower. Just imagine People - Prince getting very old - it wasn't on his setlist.,,omnia nuda et aperta sunt ante oculos eius''. We were gifted in having here on earht such a cool guy, our brother Prince. C U Brother

  5. C'est dingue! c'est trop tôt. j'attendais encore tellement de lui. Chaque jour à checker l'internet pour avoir des news. Longue vie aux fans! Nous souhaitant de trouver longtemps du bonheur musical dans sa musique et dans celles de tellement d'autres artistes. Love 2 U
